Clearing Sales

171 Church St- Clearing sale to follow house auction
Sale Details

All electrical items tested. Tucker box freezer, 300Lt Refrigerator, Simpson Washing Machine, Microwave, 3Piece Lounge Suite, 3 Arm Chairs, 7Piece Pine Dining Setting, 3 TV Cabinets, 2 TVS, Pine QS Bed & Mattress, QS Ensemble, 2 Pine Single Beds & Mattresses, Steel Bunks & Mattresses, Quantity of Linen, 3 Piece Melamine Bedroom Suite, Book Shelves, Cupboards, Tallboys, Occasional & Fold Up tables, Pots & Pans, Large camp Oven, Tin Trunks, Craft Saw On Stand, Bench Drill, Tools, Outdoor Furniture, Garden Pots, Ornaments & Plants,
Large Selection 78 Records in Original Jackets.
Also, Numerous Sundry Items.
Property Details
Clearing sale